Monday, January 26, 2009

Time gives up it's Treasures

Browsing through a second hand book store the other day for old dictionaries and the like I came across this 1937 edition of "New Zealand Weeds". The book itself was reward enough as I have a weakness for aged Gardening books but as I turned the pages a treasure of another sort revealed itself. .Beautiful pressed leaves from a long ago autumn carefully placed amidst the pages and perhaps placed back into the bookshelf to relish some later day. How many decades they resided there one can surmise.
As I sat in my armchair on a warm and balmy summer evening and admired my finds, it came to me that I could use them along with some aged and tattered newspaper pieces that I had found in the ceiling space of our century old villa. These had revealed themselves last summer as we prepared to insulate the roofspace and I had pressed them for safekeeping between the pages of an unused scrapbook.
So today I will assemble all my savoured bits and bobs and make a sheet of Fabric Paper from Beryl Taylors instructions. Once it has dryed I will admire it further and try to envisage what I will embellish with the memories of seasons and years past.
At the back of my mind is the humbling thought of how truly fortunate I was to be entrusted with someones savoured memory of autumns brilliant colours revealed in nature!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Everything has a beginning and this is mine.Some of us feel compelled to make things as a reflection of our minds inner workings and our souls interpretation of the life we experience.From time to time or in a timely fashion I shall attempt to reflect on the things I create.To me it is a way of creating a timeline and a place to record what I choose to elaborate from my life and interpretations of emotional stirrings that inspire me.
The place which I have chosen to call home is the base from which I return to to create and reflect on all I see and feel.From 50 years of living and experiencing all I am part of. Here is where I choose to share it.