Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Quiet Moment

Many moments deep in thought are spent in this chair in this spot next to my bed. Favourite cushions and a hooked rug seat cover garnered from Opportunity Shops. As it is said, sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits. A fantail has taken to flittering at the window in greeting or perhaps just to warn me away from her nest in the tree nearby. We haven't had any fantails in the house as we did last year. though at the time there visits indoors were frequent and repetitive and left us wondering what news they foretold as they clung to the high old ceilings with their tiny clawed feet whilst we batted at them with an old fishing net on a pole trying to guide them back to the great outdoors. Maori legend says they foretell of a death but these ones brought news of a different kind I feel. The arrival of my daughter pregnant with our grandson who arrived in August last year. Dear wee Lachlan, eight months old now. His tiny hand reaches out to hold mine and his eyes crinkle into a smile of recognition many times a day as I pass to and fro through the house as I bend in greeting.The Down syndrome he suffers from seems to matter little now whereas once it would have been my deepest dread. All that matters is that moment of connection as our eyes meet and we acknowledge our links within the inner circle across the generations and the joy we feel in each others prescence.
Who would have guessed so much pleasure lay in store for me as I fretted over what the visit of the fantails might bring.
So now I sit in my chair,in the afternoons, back to the window basking in the warmth of the winter sun and jiggle wee Lachlan on my knee. Dreams and imaginings cast aside whilst I live in the moment fully. For isn't it said that we will not pass this way again, and I don't wish to miss a trinkling of it.

R.I.P. Aspen Bagley.

A sad and reflective day. My late mothers 94th birthday(she passed 3 years ago) and news of sweet doggy, Aspen Bagleys passing from this world to the next.June 1993_may11th 2009.My poor canine companion Brie is suffering from arthritis in her back legs from the surgery she has had in the past 2 years.I spend much of my time wrapping her in soft blankets and cutdown jerseys making sure she is warm and doesn't lick away any more fur from her painful leg joints. She is only 7 and I do hope she will be here as my best buddy for a long while yet.She is my step grandaughters dearest friend and confidante.She has suffered the trials of having AML leukemia over the past 18 months and she is only 8years old.Through it all she has pined for my dear doglet who understands more than can be expressed in words. Bries joy each time my grandaughter is released from hospital after yet more painful and agonising treatments has to be seen to be believed. More than once we have sneaked Brie into the basement carpark of Ronald McDonald House so they can share a brief cuddle to keep them going until they are reunited once again.Friendships such as theirs and ours do not come along everyday just as Ninas and Aspens did not. R.I.P. Aspen Bagley.