Friday, February 27, 2009

Fabric Paper

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I have completed my piece (rather large it is this time as I didn't want to break up the old newsprint too much) of fabric paper incorporating the leaves and old newsprint and bits of old lace and twine that I have found on my walks.I do wish it didn't have such a glossy finish but the PVA glue used in adhering everything into 1 unit gives off this finish.I don't think it suits these items I have used and I would have preferred a flat dry looking finish.
However I have had it hanging in my studio in the doorway so as I walk past it or sit at my desk I ponder on further embellishments other than the freestyle sewing I added or a item to use it upon.I am pleased that these fragile items are now locked together in one piece and not floating about in boxes deteriorating further.
As I whirled about sewing freestyle on my machine a bird shape emerged over a piece of lace off centre.One of my favourite aspects of the whole piece I might add!